have a more flexible way of searching the Map Gallery
On the URL http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/maps/gallery/search/10 I sought information about the United States, in connection with my present research. By page 7 I realized the maps are largely sorted alphabetically by geographical location. Since I aim to see what's available, it appears that I have to click "next" another five dozen times in order to possibly reach the maps for USA. Is there a shortcut?

Murray, there is a “browse by location” at the bottom of the left column on the map gallery page. You can choose the US from there and that will limit the gallery to three pages. You can also search for “United States” at the top of the same column. If there is a specific map or data set you are interested in let us know and we can tell you what we have available.
Joe Schumacher
SEDAC User Services