Correction of Maldives data necessary?
Hello to the GPWv4-Team,
I am currently using the 2020 population density database (rev-11) in the 15-min precicion and I might have found an error in the database:
The data of the Maldives seems to be some orders of magnitude too high. It could be that the population density of some of the islands was extrapolated to the overall grid size.
The highest gridpoint value in the Maldives that I could find is 28973.89.
As it is close to the equator, the 30x30 km gridpoint assumption should still be valid. Consequently, in that gridpoint alone, there would live more than 26 million people. And the whole Maldives population doesn't exceed 600.000 people.
I hope that helps and can be corrected in a future version.