I have a question regarding the data set Contours of China and the Surrounding Areas. What Surrounding Areas are included in the data? What is the difference between the contour.zip file and the contourp.zip?
The smaller file, contour.e00, covers the areas of China proper, while the larger file, contourp.e00, covers China and the surrounding areas contained within 10 and 60 degrees North latitude and 70 to 140 degrees East longitude.
This information can be found at the “Summary” section of the Fundamental GIS: Digital Chart of China, 1:1M, Version 1 page, see: http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/china/geogmap/dcchina/dcchina.html
More information about the Digital China dataset is available at the data description page: http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/china/geogmap/dcchina/dcchinadesc.html