Fix the data downloader for GMIS and HBASE
Use much higher resolution data avilable for Norway
Link titles of the data sets in the catalog · completed
WMS Improvement
I need numerical time-series data from NASA world maps
Correction of Maldives data necessary?
Can I get annual PM2.5 data from 1998 to 2012?
Mangrove data errors
In India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Please Provide State, District and Tahsil Name so user can identify.
The tool download urban data is not easy to find after defining the extent
missing data for Daily and Annual NO2 Concentrations for the Contiguous United States, 1-km Grids, v1 (2000 – 2016)
Inconsistency in total population
add data set to Agriculture theme · completed
algorithmically clean some outliers
Download doesn't work
Human Influence Index 2005-2014?
Please correct/provide August files - Air Quality Data for Health-Related Applications
The map interface for dowloading ACE2 Altimeter Corrected Elevations data is not working
List data in one column instead of two
Map client – needs to point back to the source of the data · under review