
  1. consistent font style in data titles  ·  completed

  2. Read the data in Matlab

  3. Is the data symmetrical from the Equator?  In the ascii format using a 0.5 degree resolution, the yllcorner equals -58 degrees. Since there are 286 rows, this represents a total of 143 degrees. Is the upper left corner then at 85 degrees latitude (-58 + 143)?

  4. Correction of Maldives data necessary?

  5. Save the data before the trump effect begins?

  6. Fix the data downloader for GMIS and HBASE

  7. I am trying to get population densities for world metropolitan areas (e.g., # of residents per square kilometer or square mile) and if possible comparison figures for previously points in time (e.g., the latest available estimate versus 1 year ago, 5 years ago, etc.).  Can I use the GRUMP data ?

  8. Use much higher resolution data avilable for Norway

  9. There is a slight misalignment between the pop density and the urban extent data layers for Africa, due to differences in the BLW files. The former layer has 0.00833333333330 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000

    -0.00833333333330 -25.99583333333335 37.99583333303735

    and the latter has







    This makes a difference of a couple of hundred meters. Is this just because the analysts were rounding? Is it okay to use the same BLW data for both files?

  10. urban heat islands: data documentation, make maps clearer  ·  completed

  11. List data in one column instead of two

  12. Link titles of the data sets in the catalog  ·  completed

  13. add data set to Agriculture theme  ·  completed

  14. I need numerical time-series data from NASA world maps

  15. Can I get annual PM2.5 data from 1998 to 2012?

  16. Map client – needs to point back to the source of the data  ·  under review

  17. I'm using population density data, 2.5' grid.  My question is -- If a small populated island is the only land in a given cell, and its area is smaller than the cell's, how is the population density for the cell computed?  Is the population of the island distributed over the whole cell's area?  Or is the population density of the island applied to the whole cell?

  18. What types of crops were included in the study?

  19. The tool download urban data is not easy to find after defining the extent

  20. In India Village-Level Geospatial Socio-Economic Data Please Provide State, District and Tahsil Name so user can identify.

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