Your feedback is appreciated!
106 results found
error in your maps -----CORRECT THIS MAP
You list this map as "Buenos Aires, Brazil" -- Buenos Aires is in Argentina -- the capital of Brazil is Brasilia. SO which map is this, Buenos Aires or Brasilia??????
1 vote -
SEDAC RSS feed is broken?
You have an RSS icon on your main page that links to, but the page says "Sorry... Page Not Found".
1 vote -
'Columbia University' link obstructs the 'search field' in the home page
This is the 10th time that I try to type-in something in the search box, and the link to Columbia's home page opens up instead. Would it be possible to shift down the search box, so that the links to both CIESIN and Columbia pages do not interfere with searches? Thanks!
1 vote -
Generate my Own GRID for my country
I would like to create my own country specific grid based on the population esitmates that are given by census department. Would you be able to help me in this?1 vote -
Inconsistency in total population
I am using the gpw v3 density maps on Matlab and I do a spherical integration to compute the total population on the planet.
For every map from 2000 to 2020, I find 24% more than the UN projects. But the gap between SEDAC and UN counts only accounts for 2 or 3% in 2000 so there is another problem.Is it because in cells with both land and sea, the density in the data is the terrestrial density ? It would explain why I get too much total population when integrating while considering that the density is applicable…
3 votes -
please help me..
Downloaded data from the site below. I unzipped them and tried to display in QGIS 2.14. It shows only black and white with min=0 and max=0.
I must be doing something incorrectly.
1 vote -
algorithmically clean some outliers
Some 1km gridcells in the 2015 UN-adjusted dataset have population values as high as 183,000 persons per km2. These hyperpopulated cells account for ~30% of global population!
Hong Kong and Brazzavile are two examples: in real life according to wikipedia Hong Kong's densest suburb has density of 57,000 people/km2. Similarly you have values as low as 1e-12. Why not set a ceiling and floor, and redistribute surplus population to the whole country.
As it stands we users have to do a lot of data cleaning to be able to use dataset but automatically cleaning such outliers should be rather easy…
3 votes -
Global roads download does not work
This link
Looking for Africa but also tried with Global map.
Using Google chrome, Windows 10, attempting to repair with Winzip, files always come back as broken and incomplete when decompressing.1 vote -
Increase world awareness.
This could be TOOL NO. 1 for "saving the planet".
- Share Maps on Facebook.
- Add yearly, monthly, weekly and daily World Sustainability Index. Nearly important as daily weather report.
- Map of rate of change (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
- Yearly award ceremony for positive rate of change and absolute level.Fantastic project!
Is there any correlation between sustainability map, poverty, violence, happiness maps?1 vote -
Hi. I downloaded the population density, V4 data. However, I have not been able to uncompress the files. I have tried in 2 different computers using different software. I do not know if I am doing something wrong
1 vote -
Provide working minimalistic openlayers WMS example
If you want to use SEDAC WMS with openlayers.js, it would be nice to provide a (link to a ) working sample code like (which actually does not show the SEDAC layer)
10 votes -
Save the data before the trump effect begins?
Are you joining with the effort to copy climate modeling data from Federal Sites?
A panic began just after the elections that trump with his cabinet picks will shutdown all Federal sites doing climate modeling work. NOAA and NASA Gistemp are the two most prominent.
If you can and are willing to, use RSYNC to copy your servers to Switzerland or else Canada servers.
I have started using data from your servers, gridded 1990 and 2000 US Census numbers. I could be doing some work with max summer temperatures in the future. I hope not lose this site as a…
2 votes -
have a more flexible way of searching the Map Gallery
On the URL I sought information about the United States, in connection with my present research. By page 7 I realized the maps are largely sorted alphabetically by geographical location. Since I aim to see what's available, it appears that I have to click "next" another five dozen times in order to possibly reach the maps for USA. Is there a shortcut?
1 voteMurray, there is a “browse by location” at the bottom of the left column on the map gallery page. You can choose the US from there and that will limit the gallery to three pages. You can also search for “United States” at the top of the same column. If there is a specific map or data set you are interested in let us know and we can tell you what we have available.
Joe Schumacher
SEDAC User Services -
GPWv3 link points to an alpha site
Hi it's me Sneha :) I was visiting the GPW collections page and found a bug on, towards the end of the last para on "To see the previous version of GPW, visit the GPWv3 data collection". The link to GPWv3 points to an alpha.sedac.ciesin page.
1 vote -
Provide a sample request for WPS Population Estimation
I am trying to execute the WPS but I'm not sure if the format of the xml that I'm providing is correct. A sample request would help me and other users to use the plugin more efficiently.
1 vote -
Give step-by-step instructions on using your datasets
There should be a guide on how to properly use the datasets ie how to open them, use the data in JSON format. I, as a new user, know not how to open .tiff files or how to get the data into a CSV or JSON format. Guidelines on this would be much appreciated. The dataset I have downloaded is the zip with population density for 2015 for e.g.
Thanks!1 vote -
1 vote
I think that GDP layers do not have projection
Hello, in GDP layers' metadata it describes WGS84 as its projection. Despite that, after downloading these layers, I realized that the folder just contained the tiff documents. So I think you may not have realized these layers are not projected.
All the best,
Luis1 vote -
Use much higher resolution data avilable for Norway
The GPW4 maps (e.g. uses lower resolution data sets for some countries than necessary. Nor example, it only goes down to municipality level in Norway, while 250 m resolution for that country is available here:
It is distributed as a set of shapes (, and corresponding densities ( I'm sure similar data is available for most other European countries.1 vote -
comparison between GPWv3, GRUMP and worldpop
I found large inconsistencies for population count in Tanzania between GPW 2010 and worldpop 2010 at the district level (2002 boundaries). It looks like GRUMP is more comparable, but it is difficult to compare as GRUMP is not available for 2010. Do you know the reason for the inconsistencies? and would you recommend GPW or GRUMP when calculating population at the district level? Finally, will GRUMP be available for later years in the near future?
Julie1 vote
- Don't see your idea?