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  1. I am trying to find China's Agenda 21 policy document. Do you have it on your web site?

  2. How do I open ArcInfo Interchange file (.e00) in ArcGIS?

  3. How often will the ESI be updated?

  4. What is the difference between GPW and GRUMP population grids?

  5. We are looking for a high-resolution gridded population data for our project.  It seems to us that compared to the GWP3 data, the GRUMP data offer a higher spatial detail and probably a more accurate spatial distribution of population.  Which would you recommend ?

  6. We are looking for a high-resolution gridded population data for our project. It seems to us that compared to the GPW3 data, the GRUMP data offer a higher spatial detail and probably a more accurate spatial distribution of population. Which would you recommend ?

  7. Could you please let me know if there is any link between the ESI and Corporate Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Reporting? Alternatively, would you regard the ESI as a proxy for national TBL reporting?

  8. I need some gridded population information so I downloaded GRUMPv1, which seems like it should be perfect for my needs. However the number in the file naup00g.asc (North America unadjusted population counts in the grid) are small floating point numbers. I had expected that they would be population counts in the grid cell, which is what the documentation seems to say. Not sure how to interpret values like "2.35144e-005" as a population count! Am I misinterpreting these somehow?

  9. What is the difference between GPW and GRUMP population grids?

  10. Could you please tell me how and with what kind of weighting the ecological footprint has been factored into the 2002 ESI?

  11. I am looking for the ESI reports for 2003 and 2004.   Is the ESI available for these years?

  12. I have been trying to download the GRUMP/GPW datasets but the web download does not seem to be working.

  13. I have been trying to download the GRUMP/GPW datasets but the web download does not seem to be working.

  14. In GPWv3 Population Density Grid data, .ASCII format, what is the definition of "xllcorner" and "yllcorner" values?

  15. I am having difficulties locating the metadata for your population density data of the world, GPWv3. Is the metadata available online?

  16. I have downloaded India 1995 population data (GPW2). Why is there no variation in colours when I view the files in ArcView?

  17. I'm preparing an article about "human migration and environment". Do you have any data or information relevant to this topic (causes, effects, links)?

  18. How big is the file (.ascii) of GRUMP data? I am downloading from a very fast connection and it is still taking a really long time.

  19. After extracting all the data from GRUMP and adding up population by country to get country population totals, should the totals add up to match exactly the totals reported in the country summary?

  20. I’ve downloaded the GRUMP 30 arc-second area grid (ASCII format), and am confused by the units. The meta data says that the units are km2 of land area, but when I unzip the file (using gunzip), producing gluareag_alpha1.asc, then the land cells have values of 56 (or less, if not completely land). Also, the missing value should be -9999 but the data file has 0 instead.

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